Booking Terms & Conditions.

Updated: September 1, 2023

By choosing Framework Travel to plan your vacation, you signify your agreement with the following terms and conditions:

  1. Agent for Suppliers: Framework Travel, LLC ("Framework Travel") acts as an independent travel advisor of Fora Travel, LLC (“Fora”). Fora is a sales agent for a hotel, car-rental company, tour operator, cruise line, or other service provider named in your itinerary or confirmation ("Suppliers"). We are not responsible for the acts or omissions of the Suppliers or their failure to adhere to their own schedules, provide services or refunds, financial default, or failure to honor future trip credits. We have no special knowledge regarding the financial condition of the Suppliers and no liability for recommending a trip credit in lieu of a refund.

  2. Passports and Visas: It is your responsibility to ensure that all travelers in your booking possess passports valid for a minimum of 6 months and have all obtained visas required for your  trip. It is also your responsibility to be aware of each countries’  entry and exit protocols. For further information relating to travel documentation  (such as passports, visas, proof of health/vaccination certificates), health hazards, and  other restrictions regarding travel to your domestic and/or international  destination(s), and re-entry into the United States visit,,, and on a regular basis. 

  3. Planning Fee: You agree to pay a required, non-refundable planning fee.  Depending on your selected service, the planning fee ranges from $100 to $500 per comprehensive trip.  The fee covers the creation of one trip proposal, edits, and final custom itinerary. It does not go towards the cost of your trip. This fee is collected after our initial discovery call, where we discuss your broad expectations, preferences and budget.

    We can also assist with complimentary hotel-only bookings. Hotels qualified for complimentary booking must be a
    partner of Fora Travel.  A planning fee may be required for hotel-only bookings outside of our partnerships. 

  4. Payment Policy:  Upon client profile creation, we will send a secure link for you to enter in credit card information.  This information will be used, on your behalf, to book products and services related to your trip from suppliers.  For some destinations, properties or programs, the payment policy may differ and will be explained in the proposal.  If we are assisting with a hotel-only booking, the payment and cancellation terms will be based upon the hotel’s policies.

  5. Price Drops: If a Supplier drops the price of a trip after booking, we will try to assist you with rebooking if the Supplier allows it, and a fee may apply. We do not guarantee any refunds or successful rebooking.

  6. Insurance: For your protection, we strongly recommend that you purchase trip cancellation and travel accident insurance. Please note that most policies have a specific clause stating they do not cover epidemics and pandemics, especially when travel warnings are in place. No representation or description of the insurance made by Framework Travel constitutes a binding assurance or promise about the insurance. You agree to hold us harmless for your election not to purchase travel insurance or for any denial of claim by travel insurer as it relates to COVID-19 or any other claim under the policy.  Please let us know if you need help in finding a vendor.  We do work with a couple.

  7. Risks of Travel and Release: We assume no responsibility for and shall not be liable for the acts or omissions on the part of any other party not under our control or any acts of God, unsafe conditions, terrorism, health hazards including pandemics, illness, weather hazards, or the suitability for a disabled person of any portion of any trip. We have no special knowledge of dangers during travel or at destinations. For information related to such dangers, we recommend going to the State Department travel website at, click on "Find International travel Information" then click on "Country Information", and fill in the name of the destination country. For medical and health information, we recommend going to the Centers for Disease Control website at, then click on "Destinations" and scroll to the name of the destination country. It is your personal decision to travel, and you are doing so with full knowledge of current travel recommendations and travel restrictions with regards to any risks. YOU HEREBY EXPRESSLY ASSUME ALL OF RISKS AND DANGERS, AND YOU HEREBY EXPRESSLY AGREE TO FOREVER RELEASE, DISCHARGE AND HOLD US HARMLESS AGAINST ANY AND ALL LIABILITY, ACTIONS, CAUSES OF ACTIONS, SUITS, CLAIMS, AND DEMANDS OF ANY AND EVERY KIND AND NATURE WHATSOEVER WHICH YOU NOW HAVE OR WHICH MAY HEREAFTER ARISE OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THESE RISKS AND DANGERS.

  8. Claims Deadline and Exclusive Jurisdiction: You agree to present any claims against us within 30 days after your trip ends and to file suit within one year of the incident, and you acknowledge that this expressly limits the applicable statute of limitations to one year. You agree that the courts in New York County, New York will be the exclusive jurisdiction for all claims brought by you or us, and you hereby submit to the personal jurisdiction of those courts.

  9. Cancellations by You: If you wish to cancel your booking, you must notify us in writing. Cancellation fees may apply, and the amount of the fee will depend on the timing of the cancellation and the terms of the suppliers involved. 

  10. Cancellations by Us: We reserve the right to cancel or modify a tour or travel service due to unforeseen circumstances, such as natural disasters, political unrest, or insufficient bookings. In such cases, you will be offered an alternative tour or travel service, or a refund of the amount paid.